Midweek Miscellanies (9/1/21) – An assortment of articles, book recommendations, blog posts, podcasts and other links that we hope you find helpful.

The Gold Mine in the Local Church: “I share this coffee shop moment to remind you of something special about the local church. God has uniquely gifted and placed members like Keith Hamilton in my local church for extraordinary Bible conversations. Instead of my favorite author or internet pastor, God used a man in my local church to exhort and encourage me to be a more gospel-centered father. Men, who are the Keith Hamiltons in your church? Women, who are the godly women you’ve wanted to connect with? It’s time to initiate the conversation.”

WHY YOU SHOULD PREACH THE “FAMILY GOSPEL”: Kendra Dahl: “My parents endured several years of suffering as I wandered away from my faith. My feelings towards God ranged from ambivalence to hostility as I questioned everything I’d been taught to accept as true. But even as they prayed for me and spoke the truth to me, calling me to repentance and faith, they also did something else. They made sure I knew I could always come home.”

Why We Need to Pray Desperately: J.D. Greear on how we do our best parenting by prayer.

“Jesus Is Literally All They Have Left”: The Situation in Afghanistan, and Ways to Pray and Help: Information on how to help and pray for our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan.

What Will We Do with Our Times?: “Who knows? Perhaps you too have been put by God precisely where you are, with what position you have, for such a time as this. God knows. And one way or the other, to whatever modest or significant degree, he would have us be Christians not of our times, but for our times.”

For the Long Haul, Go Deep: While geared towards pastors, I thought this was helpful thoughts for us all on having a long term reading plan.
In Christ,

Pastor Matt